Sunday, November 22, 2009


I went to see 2012 and I really liked it. This is a movie that I would buy on dvd. The graphics were good too. I also liked how the actors weren't bad at all. The movie kept you laughing the whole time which I though was pretty nice. In the movie theater the noise was extremely loud. There also some people who I though really needed to shut up because I could hear them whispering when the noise went down. I also don't know why people think that they can make a comment about anything whenever it starts to get quiet but it didn't stop me from enjoying the movie. Watching this movie would be something most people would like except those who think its real, which it isn't is just going to scare them even more.

Don't get a Olympus Fe-25

I really hope that people never buy this camera it has way to many problems. Taking just regular pictures is fine if that is the only thing you want it to do but there are way too many negatives. The camera has a bunch of shit on there that you most likely wont even know how to use or don't need. The manual sucks butt. It hardly explains anything. The memory is extremely shitty. When you buy it the box doesn't have anything in there but some crappy batteries and a usb chord and a case to put your microSD card in which they don't give you one. The camera can't even record AUDIO. Its so stupid it records videos but cant record any audio which made me mad. It also gets very dark when I'm trying to record anything. Its also a battery killer. What also made me mad was that my dad was being cheap and didn't want to give me ten dollars more to get the camera that I actually wanted and it was on my birthday. He wasn't even paying for the whole thing anyway I gave him about half of what it cost. If anybody has a camera that they paid for and is shitty please leave a comment and let me know so I can avoid it in the future.


Look at them clothes! Lol

Thursday, November 5, 2009


It's been a little while since I was on here but I'm not going to talk to much. I've been doing a little better in school which is a good thing. Yesterday my parents tried to talk to me about what I wanted to do after I graduate which I seriously don't have any clue at all. I don't even know what college I want to go to or what kind of job I want or even what I want to major in yet but hopefully I can find something that I will be interested in. That is all for today its been kinda boring these few weeks. Oh I almost forgot that I need to find me a job soon. If I don't I will have to go back to my shitty job a Mcdonald's which I don't want to do but I need me some money. I'll make another post about something randum that comes to my mind or maybe put up sum videos or pictures I don't know yet. Later.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

BMW 2015 Concept Car

This is a very unique car. It also looks pretty nice. It's pretty hard to imagine what kind of cars will be made in the future. Whenever I look for anything about what we might have in the years ahead there is always something that looks really amazing.

Friday, October 23, 2009


School hasn't been that good for me. I'm doing fine in all of my classes except for algebra 2 and my video simulation development class. My algebra 2 teacher tried to rush us on too many lessons because we were falling behind. She also isn't that good at teaching in my opinion. Her voice is pretty annoying also. My video simulation class is horrible. The teacher is completely rude. She will try and pop an attitude at you even though you haven't done anything to her. The class is also completely boring and SHE DOESN'T TEACH LITERALLY! I tried to stay after school today to get the work done but my dad couldn't take me because he got off of work later and I have no way of getting to my other school. I just don't know what to do in this class. I just hope my parents don't get all upset when they see my progress report. I also going to have to try and teach myself how to do the work online when I have more time because my algebra 2 teacher is not helping at all. I REALLY REALLY like my electronics 1/micro computer tech teacher. She can teach so well and is perfect to be around. She always tries to make the class fun and does her bests to teach you. She is one of the few teachers that actually care about you and want you to do well in life. She really wants us to go to college and get a job. She has told us that she can try and get us to college because she knows people who can help us pay for it. Which is a plus. I'm probably never going to have another teacher like that in my entire life and I thank God that I have her this year and I'm going to make sure I have her next year too. Ima just try my best in my classes because I really need to pass and go on to college especially since our economy isn't doing that good. I just hope I can get it together. Later.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Being Sick

I've been sick for about 4 weeks now and its starting to get really annoying. I can handle it for maybe 2 weeks but after that I really start getting irritated. The coughing is the worst part. I just can't stop coughing for some weird reason. I would wake up random times during the night and start coughing like crazy. I also have a bunch of mucous that keeps coming out of nowhere. I was coughing so much that if I even move my stomach I can feel how sore I am and its been like that for about two weeks. The weird part about it is that whenever I take any medicine its doesn't work. I start coughing even more. Hopefully my cold will be over by next Monday. Its a good thing I don't have to go to school tomorrow because my four year old brother is sick and can't go to day care. Another thing I thought was weird is how four people in my house are also sick except one person. Trying to stay away from everyone's sickness is impossible. They are like walking infections. I mean they keep coughing and sneezing everywhere. Hopefully we can all get better and won't stay sick for much longer

Monday, September 7, 2009

Distric 9

I have been wanting to watch this movie for a little while and I finally seen it yesterday. The movie wasn't how I expected it to be but I still enjoyed it. There were some parts that looked a little gross but I was able to handle it. The alien weapons that were used were pretty cool and the action in the whole movie was pretty nice. There was one part where I didn't understand what it had anything to do with the movie and was kinda weird to me but I was still good.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Week of School!!!!

I really really did not like my first week. The first two days were extremely horrible. I didn't even have lunch and its fucking expensive! I can't even get something that will fill me up without it costing almost 5 dollars. I didn't have a lot of classes with people that I knew and most of the time I recognized people I didn't even care about. This year seems like it will be a lot harder for me. I'm taking 2 college credit classes and my other classes aren't going to be real easy like last year. I'm also going to have to study for my sat or act and make sure I pass my exit level taks for graduation. Hopefully it will get a lot better as the year goes by and won't be as hard as I think it is.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Onyx Concept Phone


School is going to be here in just a few days and I'm really not looking forward to it. I have to get up way to early in the morning. Plus I didn't get any clothes or shoes yet. I also have a lot of important test too. I have to take my sat or act but I don't know which one I want to take yet. I also have my exit level taks test this year so im going to have to make sure I pay attention in all of my classes. I also will have to see what colleges I'm willing to go to. Another thing I'm going to have to do is apply for a lot of colleges because I'm really going to need that money.

Soul Eater

I just got done watching the last episode today. I like this show because it had a lot of fighting and the story was nice. I recommend anybody who watches anime to see it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


About a month ago I went to Seaworld. I had a nice time. I was able to see lots of animals in real life instead of on tv or the internet. The shows were also very nice. I liked the show with the dolfins and acrobats the best I forgot what names of the show were called. The second I would say is the sea lion show. It was very funny. I didn't like the Shamu show. It didn't show enough of the whales and it looked smaller than I thought it was. I didn't really get on any rides except a few I didn't want to get wet and I though Seaworld had just showed animals.

6 Flags

A couple days ago I went to 6 Flags. I had a really nice time. Everything went well until one of my friends lost their cell phone but before we left we checked the lost and found and the security had found. One of my favorite rides was the Texas Titan. I don't know why but that ride was so fast I wasn't able to see. I also like the Superman It was a complete surprise when we came all the way down. Two rides I know I won't go on ever again are the Texas Giant and the batman rides. The Texas Giant would've been alright if it didn't hurt so damn much. It felt like my neck was about to snap in half. The batman ride was horrible. It was an hour wait for a ride that was barely even two minutes. It really wasn't worth waiting for that. It was way to hot to wait for that shyt. Overall I had a great time while I was there. I was very glad I came and did something else this summer.


In my opinion I think that robots can be very helpful. They can do jobs that are very dangerous for humans and do jobs most of us wouldn't do. They can even help save are lives by risking their own. Other things they could do would be like doing the dishes and washing clothes. They can help save a lot of time doing things most people don't want to do. I don't understand why there are people who think that robots will take over the world and kill us all. That to me isn't possible. Maybe its because people watch to many tv shows and movies about robots taking over. Robots can only do what they are programed to do. They can't go against what humans tell them. Robots that are artificially intelligent still can't disobey a human. As long as robots have the right programming that they must obey there shouldn't be a problem.

Friday, August 7, 2009

G.I. Joe

Rise of the Cobra was alright. It had a lot of nice action to it but the acting sucked ass. I liked lots of the weapons they used in the movie. I wouldn't go to the movie to see this just because the acting was horrible. I think it would be better to rent this movie then watch it in the theater. I will give it a 7.5 out of 10 just because of the action.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sintesi Concept

I wonder what kind of cars do the designers at car companies have.

Tricycle Concept Car

This is a very interesting car. The look is definitely unique. This just shows how much variety we will have in the future.

Monday, August 3, 2009

My Opinion on Transformers 2

This was one of the funniest movies that I have seen. I liked everything about it. This was way better than number 2. I give it a 10/10

Halo 3 Odst

This is another game I have been waiting for to come out. I'm making sure I get this when it comes out.

Game I want

I've been waiting for this game for way too long. I can't wait until it comes out

More stuff

If anyone wants to know more about japan visit this blog and youtube channel.

How to Learn Japanese

If anyone wants any tips for learning japanese go to

Toyota FT-HS Hybrid Sports Car

This is one of the nicest concepts I've seen.

AlienWare Android Phone

This phone looks nice but kinda weird at the same time.

Heroic Age

This is another show I watched this year. This was really good it had a nice story and good action with it too.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Water on Head Prank

Wat would you do if you were her?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sword of the Stranger

I really enjoyed this movie. It had a nice story to it and some good action too. I give it a 10/10

Recent movie I watched Eagle Eye

Eagle Eye was a nice little movie. I liked it but I'm glad it was shown on tv because I wouldn't go to the movie theater to see this. I give it a 7/10.

To Stephanie

This is a picture of Ruby you wanted me to put up.

What to do when you are bored

I want to know what anybody likes to do when they are bored or have nothing to do. Let me know in a comment

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Favorite Completed Anime shows this year

Buso Renkin, Chromed Shelled Regios, Claymore, Code Geass/Code Geass R2, Death Note, Fate/Stay Night, Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor, Kekkaishi, Seirei no Moribito, Sengoku Basara.

Watch these anime shows and more at

Lamborghini Concept S

I wish I could afford one of these and a lot of speeding tickets along with it

Games I like to play

The game I play the most is Gears of War 2. I'm always playing on xbox live with it. I also like to play halo 3 and star ocean 4. I like to play super smash brothers brawl for the wii. I also like to play final fantasy 4 and final fantasy tactics for the ds.

Things that annoy me

One things that can really irritate me is when I'm on the computer or playing online and one of my parents turns the router.

Sony Ericson Concept Phone

Must See and watch more of his videos

Funny Shyt

This was the funniest prank call I have ever heard in my life. Click these links to hear the rest and more prank calls from the person that makes these videos. 2 (subscribe to his channel) view his live pranks

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This is my first blog. I'm very glad to get started on it. Hopefully by next Monday it will start to look a little more decent