Wednesday, August 12, 2009


In my opinion I think that robots can be very helpful. They can do jobs that are very dangerous for humans and do jobs most of us wouldn't do. They can even help save are lives by risking their own. Other things they could do would be like doing the dishes and washing clothes. They can help save a lot of time doing things most people don't want to do. I don't understand why there are people who think that robots will take over the world and kill us all. That to me isn't possible. Maybe its because people watch to many tv shows and movies about robots taking over. Robots can only do what they are programed to do. They can't go against what humans tell them. Robots that are artificially intelligent still can't disobey a human. As long as robots have the right programming that they must obey there shouldn't be a problem.


  1. You never know. Something might happen and the robots can take over the world. Like I said before.....Expect the Unexpected lol :P
